
Does your organisation require culture change?

Do you want a ‘plug and play’ software fix or do you want to upskill your managers and use this as a ‘Cultural Catalyst’?

Introducing a new approach to performance management can help to develop the people management culture of your organisation. In this blog series that addresses the question: ‘which is the best performance management software for your business‘, we have looked at evolution vs revolution, important software features and the effects of organisational complexity. Consider whether to encourage the same people management behaviours, or whether to take the opportunity to encourage culture change?

For example, most clients are now keen to move away from the ‘once yearly tick-box’ appraisal to encourage a culture of ongoing performance conversations. This is wise because the evidence around achieving (ROI) in terms of Talent Retention is well supported by this. That is, assuming the conversations are actually of quality. This is demonstrated in our whitepaper – Building the business case for performance management software.  However, the question we raise here is how serious you are about driving these behaviours if they are likely to require an element of culture change from your managers? Most of the standalone performance management systems out there now offer ongoing check-in functionality. This type of system could be an appropriate solution if you are looking for ‘plug and play’ software only.Culture Change and Performance Management Software

Culture change and performance management software

In reality, culture change requires ongoing education and communication, which needs resource and expertise. It is worth considering whether you have this skill and capacity in-house before opting for a pure software solution?

If you are thinking that investing in education and training is outside your budget then perhaps consider the fact that Pareto’s Law will be at play here. It is highly likely that 80% of the impact of your performance management solution will come down to how well you embed it over the first 12 months. This could be through training managers in agreeing on quality objectives and feedback; educating end-users to take control of their own development or following people up when they don’t complete their appraisals or check-ins on time.

Delivering an ROI on the solution you choose

In truth, a relatively small amount of impact or ROI will be down to using the software alone. This is because it is just as easy to carry out a ‘tick-box’ appraisal online as it is on paper. If you are going to invest in performance management software then think about the ROI. This could be behaviour or culture change. If you have the internal resource and expertise to deliver this then you can apply this to any of the solutions out there.

Consultancy and culture change in Performance Management

If you are like most internal L&D/HR teams that we know who have a plethora of priorities and limited resource then you may want to seek out a provider with expert consultancy and culture change guidance. At Actus, we provide flexible consultancy and training packages that can complement your internal resources. Clients choose Actus because of the ongoing support offered and the opportunity to build a long-term relationship of growth together.

If you would like to know more about Actus Culture Change support why not get in touch below?

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Become a Change Superhero

In this blog, we have looked at whether your organisation requires culture change. In Lucinda’s very first book, How to be a Change Superhero, she looks at how you can become a Change Superhero, providing you with the tools you need to inspire successful change initiatives. This book couldn’t come at a more relevant time. All of us have had some type of change in our lives due to COVID-19, whether it be personal or work-related. Become a Change Superhero! If you would like to know more about the book, please click the badge below.




The ‘How to be a Change Superhero‘ book is available in eBook and Paperback formats, and soon to come to Audible!

Watch the Book Launch Recording

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