
Using Kotter’s Change Model to deliver an Appraisal System

So, you have been tasked with sourcing an online performance appraisal system – no pressure! We know that Performance reviews are often emotive and so choosing the right software provider can be a challenging prospect. Furthermore, an online performance appraisal system should not be thought of as an ‘off the shelf’ purchase.

how to create a performance appraisal system using Kotters

HR Professionals must put a strategic process in place to ensure a successful roll-out of the system. Training and culture change is also necessary to ensure employees buy-in to the new system. Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model can help with the rollout of an appraisal system. Find out more about the Model by visiting MindTools or this published guide by Daniel Lock. CEO of Actus, Lucinda Carney has also used the Kotter model to demonstrate how we can deliver Organisational Change successfully within an organisation. For more information, you can access the white paper on delivering change here: How to deliver Organisational Change.

Avoiding common pitfalls organisations fall in to

Dr John Kotter identified in research that more than 70% of all major culture transformation efforts fail. This is due in most part to organisations not adopting a consistent holistic approach to change and failing to engage their workforce effectively. Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model can be used to introduce a new online appraisal system, in order to avoid the common pitfalls organisations fall into. To demonstrate this, see examples below of steps in the model and how they apply to introducing a new appraisal system.

Step 1. Create a sense of urgency

Set clear goals and deadlines around the initial usage of a new performance appraisal system. An example of a clear goal would be ‘all staff must have four performance objectives recorded in the system by X date.’ 

Step 2. Build a guiding coalition

For change to take place it requires the backing of various stakeholders. For example, in smaller organisation, line managers can act as ambassadors to change with a shared vision and mission. Whereas, in larger organisations, a steering group with responsibilities for different areas of the organisation can ensure consistency.

Step 3. Form a strategic vision

To ensure the regular use and commitment to the system, all staff must be clear as to the organisational benefits.

For more information on how to successfully implement change within your organisation and adopt a new performance appraisal system successfully, take a look at Kotter’s Change Model in greater detail by viewing the infographic below or downloading our white paper on delivering Organisational Change.

View Kotter’s Change Model Infographic



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