Empowering employees in 2023 with a performance appraisal
How can we ensure that the performance appraisal will empower and motivate our employees for 2023?
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How can we ensure that the performance appraisal will empower and motivate our employees for 2023?
Read MoreEssential management skills are vital for any organisation to succeed and achieve its goals and objectives. One critical way in which businesses will thrive in 2023…
Read MoreAs the workplace continues to evolve, keeping our employees engaged should remain high on the agenda for businesses. As the world has had to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic, our workforce has had to work differently and develop new skills.
Read MoreThe benefits of 360 feedback for professional services 360 feedback is a really powerful tool that provides that personalised and objective insights into how we are perceived by other people. Many businesses use 360 feedback successfully as one of their leadership development tools, however, it has become increasingly clear that professional services firms in particular
Read More10 tips for increasing Psychological Safety I discussed the various definitions of psychological safety in my previous blog and touched on the importance of it, particularly in a hybrid working environment against a backdrop of pandemic and war in Ukraine which has an impact on general levels of anxiety in society. This blog focuses on
Read MoreWhat is Psychological Safety? Psychological safety refers to the belief that you can express yourself, take risks, and contribute without fear of embarrassment, rejection, or negative consequences. The concept is most associated with Dr Amy Edmondson, who defined it as “a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for
Read MoreI am often approached by HR colleagues who have been asked to deliver 360 feedback sometimes referred to as multi-rater feedback for their clients but don’t know where to start.
Read MoreWe are regularly approached by HR Professionals seeking Clear Review alternatives for comparison. Not because Clear Review isn’t a good performance management system – but because it doesn’t suit every environment and it is important for businesses to have choice. Some background first, Actus and Clear Review both launched in the UK marketplace 8-10 years
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