
On Thursday 12th July at the Cass Executive Campus in London, we hosted our second Actus Customer Forum.

The second Actus Customer Forum began with a breakfast buffet and networking session followed by a welcome presentation by CEO of Actus Lucinda Carney. During the presentation, Lucinda provided a company update with a view of the product roadmap for the year ahead. Client Services Manager Swagata Mukherjee then followed with a presentation introducing her team and outlining what customer service means to Actus.

Breakout Sessions

After the presentations, customers were offered four breakout sessions to choose from, including Talent Management, Reporting, HRIS and 360 Feedback. Each customer attended two sessions where members of the Actus Team led discussions around the topics. This allowed customers to discuss common issues faced and to delve into the product further.

Our second Actus Customer ForumCustomer Forum Customer Forum

CIPD Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker Jonny Gifford, Senior Advisor of Organisational Behaviour for the CIPD then took centre stage. He provided a thought-provoking speech on: ‘Appraising the appraisal: scientific evidence on what works in performance management’. Author of ‘Could do better? Accessing what works in Performance Management’, Jonny has many years of experience in conducting research in the HR field and was approached by customers following his presentation to discuss a potential research collaboration.

A delicious buffet lunch was served in the main foyer allowing customers to informally network and discuss the challenges they face at work. This was followed by a Customer Case Study by Laura Kelly, Global Performance & Talent Manager, ConvaTec. Laura presented a glowing report on the successful implementation of the Actus Software and the challenges faced at the beginning of adoption.

Embedding year-round performance conversations

The final Customer Forum session was conducted by Lucinda on the topic of: ‘how do we really embed year-round performance conversations’. This session applied ‘Kotter’s 8 step Model’ to rolling out a Performance Management System successfully with lots of practical tips.

The Actus Customer Forum was very well received! All customers that completed a Feedback Form stated that they would be highly likely to attend a Forum in the future.

Feedback included:

‘Good all-round agenda and great networking opportunity.’ 
‘It was a great format/mix of content and I enjoyed it/learned a lot!’  
‘I find the Forum’s very well organised and informative in the current format.’
‘Good to meet other customers. Nice mix of ‘technical’ and theoretical context.’
‘Great to share experiences. Very thought-provoking. Some great ideas to take back. Good to be involved in developing future enhancements.’  
‘Useful networking forum and good to meet the Actus team.’

From all the Actus Team, we are looking forward to seeing even more of you at the next one!

Read about our first Customer Forum 

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