
How to address and manage underperformance at work

Are you finding that some of your team are performing less well than you had hoped? Perhaps a top performer has recently gone off track? Addressing and managing underperformance at work can be challenging and confronting for both employees and employers. However, performance issues need to be nipped in the bud before they get out of hand. The alternative – managing someone out of a business can be expensive, litigious and isn’t fun for anyone. In this blog, we share 5 simple steps on how to address underperformance by turning it round or even avoiding it in the first place.

Step 1. Establish what the performance issue is

The first step in tackling underperformance is establishing what the performance issue is. It might seem obvious, but without clarity on what the issue is at hand, you will not be able to address it.

The FairWork Ombudsman highlights the following ways that underperformance or poor performance can be exhibited in the workplace:

  • Unsatisfactory work performance, a failure to perform the duties of the position or to perform them to the standard required
  • Non-compliance with workplace policies, rules or procedures
  • Unacceptable behaviour in the workplace
  • Disruptive or negative behaviour that impacts on co-workers.

Other factors to consider are:

  • The severity of the problem.
  • How long the problem has existed
  • How wide the gap is between what is expected and what is being delivered

Step 2. Meet with the employee to discuss the issue

The next step would be to arrange a meeting in private where there will be no interruptions. At this stage we don’t know the cause of the underperformance so we need to be prepared to be “Tough on the facts but open minded about the causes”

For us to do this we need to prepare by gathering evidence of the facts surrounding the apparent underperformance. This could take the form of emails, documents, or notes based on observed behaviours. It also could be evidence tracked using a performance management system like Actus Software

The meeting should be well structured by the manager and describe the issue in specific terms so there is absolute clarity: what the issue is, why it is an issue and how it impacts the workplace or others in it.

It is very important that the meeting is based on facts and not judgements and is led using a coaching style. This should be an open discussion, not a telling off!

One example provided by the Harvard Business Review is:

‘You’re not responsive,’ which is vague and doesn’t outline a clear path for change. It also feels like a personal attack on the employee.

Instead, you could tell them: ‘I noticed that you haven’t responded to a number of requests from colleagues over teams, specifically X, Y & Z, and it took you a week to acknowledge the support request from Customer A, B or C’ Using clear examples helps avoid debate or discussion around the facts of the underperformance.

Importantly, during the meeting, the reason for the issue needs to be explored.

Step 3. Explore possible causes of the underperformance

Having outlined the facts of the underperformance, we need to be open minded about the causes, not least because we may be partially responsible as line managers.

There are a number of reasons outlined below that could cause underperformance. Getting to the route cause of the issue is essential for devising a solution to turn performance around.
Poor performance at work

Reasons may include:

– The employee does not have the knowledge or skills to carry out their job effectively
– Lack of understanding as to what is expected of them as goals and objectives have not been set or are not clear
– An employee is unaware of their performance due to lack of feedback
– Workplace bullying/discrimination against
– Working with ineffective or outdated tools to carry out their work
– Personal issues such as family stress, physical and/or mental health issues
– Cultural misunderstandings and many others


Step 4. Agree a solution to turn around underperformance

Whatever the performance issue is, it is important that the employee feels supported by you. By holding an open and honest conversation with them, it will be much easier to come up with a solution to the problem together.

A clear plan of action should be established and this could involve strategies for training and career development, including timeframes for improvement or clarifying roles and responsibilities.

This is not about establishing a plan of action and then going back to business as usual with no further consideration or discussion!

For example, a manager may contact I.T. and have a system updated to resolve an employee’s issue with using an outdated, ineffective tool. However, without checking in with them to ensure they have got to grasp the new system, have received sufficient training on it, and feel supported, performance improvements are likely to be slow, if at all.

What’s important is to set up regular one-to-ones and performance reviews using an effective performance management process to show to employees your continued support and to get them back on track.

This will also provide an opportunity for employees to receive regular, quality feedback, that is specific and behavioural, to help improve performance.

Step 5. What to do when underperformance does not improve

We would hope that by following these tips performance would improve over time. However, there could be an occasion where it does not and this can be detrimental to your business. A written warning may need to be issued or a formal disciplinary process that could result in dismissal. For guidance on the topic of fair dismissal, the CIPD provide a useful guide: dismissal procedures in the UK.

A good performance management system is essential for conducting these regular performance management activities and to avoid underperformance in the workplace. We cover this topic further in our blog: how can a performance management system help prevent underperformance?

Watch our short video below on dealing with underperformance using the CISS Model…

Further reading

Next steps we recommend you download our whitepaper on ‘Managing Underperformance in a hybrid world’. Written by Lucinda Carney, this white paper explores the three ways in which the right management style can help underperformance in a hybrid world.

White Paper – Managing Underperformance in a Hybrid World

Or alternatively Lucinda’s 45 minute webinar on this subject is available now below – download the slides and watch the replay.

Previous webinar – Turning Round Underperformance

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