
News Release – Actus achieves ISO Certification

Advance Change, trading as Actus Software is delighted to announce it has achieved certification to the internationally recognised ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.

By achieving the ISO certifications, the organisation has demonstrated its commitment to data protection, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

Actus undertook the rigorous ISO 27001, ISO14001 and ISO 9001 certification process to display its absolute commitment to best practice and placing security at the heart of the business will support its position as a G Cloud supplier as more and more emphasis is being placed on data security by Public Sector bodies.

However, it’s not just the Public Sector who are demanding better security, today’s commercial enterprises, who are now more aware of the potential of data breaches, are also joining the call.

We take our commitment to these standards very seriously and wanted to ensure our customers’ peace of mind when it comes to the use of our software. It also further demonstrates that we are prepared for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becoming law in May 2018, which places a greater level of accountability on data processors on issues such as information security breaches” stated Chris Carney, Operations Director at Actus.

This certification shows that our performance management software will stand up to the highest level of scrutiny, providing a credible, secure and trustworthy system for organisations who want to introduce a paperless, all year round solution to meet their performance management needs.

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