
Performance appraisal software

Are you labouring with a paper based-performance appraisal process? Have you been tasked with finding an online performance appraisal software? This can be overwhelming considering the providers out there. Therefore, how can you ask the right questions when comparing systems to ensure you choose the right one?

You may have heard various gurus sprouting their wisdom, declaring that: ‘performance appraisals don’t work/are dead’.As providers of performance management software, you could, therefore, be surprised to find that we would agree with this statement!

Performance management systems are designed to encourage year-round performance management. On the other hand, Performance appraisal software does not cover everything required for an effective process.

A performance appraisal, (a Performance Appraisal System), is a once or twice a year discussion between managers and their employees. Research from the CIPD demonstrated that about 65% of staff surveyed had received annual appraisals in the past 3 years and only 33% of them had found it motivational. Complaints included ‘it felt like a tick box exercise’ and ‘my manager was clearly going through the motions.’.The problem with this is that a once-a-year task which is driven by an HR deadline rather than ongoing, engaging performance discussion is not going to work.

A performance appraisal system is usually an appraisal form and a repository for it. Essentially this is a slightly different way of storing your paper-based appraisal form. As a result, this is not going to encourage year-round performance management. Furthermore, these systems often produce limited management information, merely showing if the meeting happened. It is much harder to evaluate the quality of the meeting without a purpose-built system.

Performance management systems

Performance management systems, however, offer a year-round process. They will usually include objective setting, regular 121’s and feedback, discussions about development and future aspirations. Integrated within this will be a twice a year conversation about appraising performance. Organisations with a culture of year-round performance management that use such systems usually have higher engagement, better alignment, productivity and even profitability. To find out more about Actus Performance Management Software, why not book a free demo via the button below.

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