
Increase HR productivity using an online appraisal system

According to Engage ESM, a whopping 92% of UK HR leaders feel held back in their day-to-day work by administrative and operational tasks. This means they have less time available for transformational change and to truly influence the business. The research suggests that using new technologies, like an online appraisal system, can make a significant difference.

Increase HR ProductivityWe conducted a survey of our clients to try to understand whether an online appraisals system like Actus actually does increase HR productivity.

In a typical medium-sized business with 250 – 750 staff we found that managing appraisal just once a year took on average 158 hours – that is 3 solid weeks! “Our paper-based appraisal processes were ridiculously time-consuming” explained Jenny Sarson, HR Associate at Unify.

“The most frustrating aspect is the fact that the time is spent on pure administration, updating the documents, chasing and reporting on completion.”

A common observation was the fact that chasing appraisals with blanket emails potentially reinforced the ‘tickbox’ mentality, as people focused on completing the document, as opposed to having quality conversations.

So does performance appraisal software actually increase HR productivity?

Peter Canton, Head of L&D at Archimedes Pharma thinks so:

“Definitely, the online appraisal system has made it so much less painful chasing appraisals. We can see who has already completed their appraisal at a glance and all the administration is automated.”

Of course, reducing admin is just part of the benefit of performance management software. The real value add is the ability to interrogate the data at the press of a button. This means that the time freed up from blind paper chasing can be used to deliver development plans or talent management, bringing far more strategic value. So it isn’t just increasing productivity, it is increasing the value of the time spent.

Just think, what additional value could you bring to your organisation with an extra 21 days a year?

For more information on how Actus online appraisal system can help you achieve more, arrange a demo below or take a look at our other free HR resources which include White Papers, Manager Guides, and an E-book.

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