
Falmouth goes out to Tender for Performance Management Solution

Falmouth University has an aspirational strategy and vision in terms of growth in student numbers and innovative provision. They are on an exciting journey so it is essential that their HR processes are able to support these.

In 2018, Falmouth went to tender to identify performance management software that would meet the needs of their internal customers. They were looking for a provider who would partner with them along their journey of growth.

The University selects Actus Performance Management Software

Falmouth selected Actus for the simplicity of the software and their willingness to work collaboratively to provide an overall performance management solution including culture change and training support. They particularly liked the Actus Software vision around Talent Management and Development. This would be specifically relevant to Falmouth as they continue to expand and grow.

A collaborative partnership with Actus

Actus worked closely with Falmouth’s Project Manager Linda Falouti over several months. By involving several stakeholders in defining the system specification and configuration, this helped to support this new way of working. It was important to involve others, to maximise buy-in because the University wanted to get it right first time. Linda and the Actus Project Manager worked together to solve any challenges. These included bringing on a second instance of the software for FX Plus, a business entity jointly managed by Falmouth and another University.


“We carried out a requirements gathering exercise internally with both Falmouth and FX Plus. We came to the conclusion that the best way to reflect the two organisations’ very different identities and respond to their objectives in terms of performance and talent management, was to have two separate instances of the system. Although this decision added more complexity to the project, our Actus Project Manager’s solution-driven mindset helped us shape a solution that is fit for purpose for both Falmouth and FX Plus. This will, with no doubt, bring added value to performance and development conversations”.

– Linda Falouti, Projects & Policy Officer at Falmouth University.

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Rolling out the Performance Management System

It was vitally important that the messaging and uptake was positive for both Falmouth and FX Plus. It was therefore agreed that the internal HR Team would be best placed to roll out the training. However, they chose to take advantage of Actus experience in culture change and training delivery to refine the messaging. In addition, Actus helped to deliver the initial Train the Trainer Model. They chose to work with experienced Actus Consultants who spent the week with Falmouth University and the FX Plus Team. The time was spent piloting the different messages with key stakeholders and refining the content in real-time. As a result, this gave the internal HR Team maximum opportunity to build confidence in the content and messaging to roll it out completely.

Clare Manser, Learning & Development Advisor at Falmouth states:

“Lucinda and Jane spent a week at the University, as we launched MyCareer, to provide training sessions for our senior management teams as well as Train the Trainer sessions for the HR team. This was a fabulous week that kick-started the training plan brilliantly as well as gaining buy-in and engagement across the University.  The training session ‘Getting Started with MyCareer’ has been rolled out throughout both organisations with feedback being consistently high. The sessions have generated enthusiasm and energy for the new process that has been encouraging.”

A positive uptake of the System

So far there has been a really positive uptake of the Actus Performance Management System. The University has seen improvements in employee engagement and an increase in appraisal completion rates.

Dan Jones, HR Director at Falmouth University states:

“Appraisal completion rates are higher this year than last year despite a lot of structural change. However, the main difference is that people are far more engaged than last year, they are having positive conversations and it feels like we are finally starting to change the dialogue”

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