
Co-operative housing service agency focus on performance management

CDS, founded in 1975, is the largest specialist co-operative housing service agency in England. In the last two years, the organisation has gone through significant change. This included changes within the Board and Senior Team, a new mission to modernise the organisation and develop a strong culture of service, designed to offer more quality, value and reliability for their clients and customers.

Professionalising their approach to staff performance

In order to achieve their objectives, they needed to encourage a more commercial and outcome-focused culture and to empower employees to take responsibility for their own performance and development. This new regime was a big change and presented a major challenge to managers and employees alike. The key business drivers for implementing Actus stemmed from the understanding that CDS needed to professionalise their approach to performance. This would be achieved by setting clear objectives for everyone at the start of the year and supporting high-quality work through regular and structured performance conversations.

Introducing Actus Software

The Actus Performance Management solution was introduced in January 2015. Managers and staff have both found the system itself very easy and practical to use. Through good communication and planning, they have achieved a high level of regular use. The introduction of Actus Software has normalised the process of having good performance-based conversations – allowing managers to naturally raise issues of concern, and employees to explore both expectations and challenges. Employees can record their own development and learning and have a factual record of the discussions that are held.


“As someone who has always been good at having the discussion and bad at the paperwork, I can honestly say this has helped me to make more progress than anything else in the last 25 years. I would strongly recommend it as a tool for improving the levels of management and performance management”

– Linda Wallace, CDS

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CDS experience a better performance management process

With the implementation of the software, CDS feel that performance understanding and outcomes have improved as management and supervision are being regularly undertaken and recorded for everyone through the software. Every member of the team now has objectives and the setting and monitoring of these are visible to the senior team for oversight so that additional support can be offered where needed. The same is true of the one-to-one process and reviews. It has given transparency to their management practices and has also helped both managers and staff to create and maintain good habits.

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