
How to carry out Performance Appraisals in your organisation

Performance appraisals, if badly structured and poorly managed, can cause significant damage and demotivate your staff. This can have such an impact to the point where they leave the organisation. It is reported that any negative feedback is given within an appraisal that has not been handled well can seriously damage employee engagement. Once employee engagement suffers, the rest of the company will too. This is why it is so important to be carrying out effective performance appraisals but what steps are involved?

In recent years we’ve heard countless accounts of big companies like Deloitte; Adobe; Microsoft and others throwing out the rule book. They have removed the formal appraisal process and replaced it with ongoing performance conversations and feedback. However, the irony is that this is what a good performance appraisal should already be about!

Performance appraisals should not be a once-a-year ‘tick-box’ activity

This manager’s guide to performance appraisals forms part of our series breaking down the different meetings within an effective performance management cycle and giving tips on each. In this paper, we focus in on performance appraisals and consider the different types. We also look at how they should be a continuation of what is going on all year-round. We hope to prove that it doesn’t have to be a once a year laborious ‘tick-box’ exercise for both Manager and employee. Instead, it can be an engaging summary dialogue to drive both development and results. Keep reading to find out in seven easy steps how to make your appraisals as successful as possible.

We discuss mid and end year performance appraisals, also how ratings may fit into the appraisal or not. We consider the importance of feedback, documentation and how the conversation must be as meaningful as possible. Development and Career aspirations fit within the performance management cycle but when do they fit in an appraisal? We actually have specific guides on both these topics too which you can download using the buttons below.

7 Steps to Effective Development Conversations

7 Steps to Effective Career Conversations


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