
How to have Career Discussions

An essential part of talent management is having career discussions. This involves understanding what motivates your team and what their potential aspirations are. Do you know where each member of your team would like to be in 2 to 5 years’ time? Did you know that one of them is even after your job? As a manager, it’s important your employee knows you are there to help them achieve their goals and aspirations. You certainly don’t want them thinking you feel threatened by them! 

Even in a relatively small organisation, understanding what motivates your team means that you can look for ways of developing them in line with their aspirations. Interestingly, even if you know someone is going to outgrow your team or business, helping them to develop in a direction that is relevant to their future is a great way of retaining them for as long as possible. In fact, a career discussion can be the most effective 20 minutes spent in terms of employee engagement and retention! In a larger organisation, career discussions may lead to succession planning and conducting this well is important for business continuity and also employee morale and motivation. 

This manager guide is part of a series of guides on continuous performance management. It will explain why it is wise for career discussions to take place separately from appraisals, It also looks at how these discussions help to make up the year-round process of performance management. Download this guide by entering your details in the form to the right.

You may also be interested in our Manager’s Guide on the 7 steps to people development. You can access this by clicking on the link below.

7 Simple Steps to Development

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