
People Development

In this Manager’s Guide, 7 Simple Steps to People Development, we’ll look at the different ways the development of your staff can be achieved. Certainly, it doesn’t always mean costly training courses and lots of time away from the business.

How important is people development to you? If we want to grow and retain our talent then we have to be prepared to invest in our people: otherwise known as people development. This makes them feel valued, helps to improve our current talent rather than forcing us to outsource or hire more staff and can give employees focus and help them with their overall career aspirations. Development needs will inevitably come from your regular 1 to 1 meetings, so it is important to keep having these at least once a quarter, to guide your people to be their best selves.

However, people development does not necessarily have to mean what you think it does.

Step 1: What’s the purpose?

  • Encouraging ownership and focus on continuous personal development and growth
  • Promoting a learning culture and make your business an attractive proposition for potential employees
  • Encouraging succession planning and the transfer of knowledge

Step 2: Who should it be aimed at?

  • People development should be a cultural objective of the business and all employees should have access to development options – wouldn’t you be more attracted to an innovative, employee-focused company if you were out job hunting again?

Step 3: What should be covered?

  • Identification of the individual’s development needs
  • How those needs can be addressed, e.g. on the job learning, shadowing, reading, formal training courses, etc. (ideally a combination of multiple methods)
  • Who owns the resolution of that development need

To access this resource you will need to fill out the form to the right of this page. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, you can find additional resources using the buttons on this page below.

At Actus, we offer more than free HR resources and great performance management software! We also have a team of organisational development consultants who are on-hand to help meet your performance management needs or requirements for culture change. If you would like to find out more about this service, why not get in touch by contacting us here.

Blog: Have your managers got the people gene?

White paper: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Managers

The HR Uprising Podcast: Transforming Learning & Development with David James

Find out about Actus Learning Solutions

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