
What does the evidence say about what works in performance management? – Academic Research Review

At Actus we believe in taking an evidence-based approach to performance management. Therefore, in 2016 we commissioned Professor Nuno Da Camara of Southhampton Business School to review the recent literature on this topic to understand what the evidence really says about what works in Performance Management and the degree to which it correlates with Organisational Performance or drives other results.

Unlike many scientific articles, this performance management research is written in an engaging and accessible way. Consequently, HR professionals who are interested in evidence-based practice will find it of interest and applicable. Of course, a research review cannot give us definitive answers because it’s only a review on that topic. Nevertheless, it is useful if you learn about implementing performance management activities that will deliver great results.

This comprehensive paper covers:

This paper tells us that performance management systems if designed and implemented effectively have the potential to result in various desired outcomes. Find out more about the benefits of using a performance management system or fill out the form to the right to download the research paper.


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