
What Drives High Performance?

Employee Performance Management and Organisational Performance Research was undertaken on behalf of Actus. The research was undertaken by Dr Nuno Da Camara, Lecturer in HR and Organisational Behaviour at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton. Dr. Nuno Da Camara is also CEO of ZarQuest, a consultancy specialising in internal reputation and employee engagement.

The research paper will look at what drives high performance. Firstly by defining and explaining the term ‘performance management’ and what ‘good’ actually looks like. It identifies numerous research study findings and ideal principles. It will take the reader through the journey of the Organisational Performance process and explores the benefits that process can deliver.

An extract from the Research paper:

Employee and Organisational Performance Management has been the subject of huge interest and debate amongst management academics and practitioners in the last 25 years (Lawler, 1994; Singh, 2013).

Therefore, in this paper we examine the relationship between Employee Performance Management and Organisational Performance. In particular, the research evidence which exists in the fields of human resource management and organisational psychology.

At the same time, we examine research on the nature and effectiveness of performance management. The paper also looks at how we can successfully implement this in organisations.

The paper is based largely on research published in academic and practitioner publications in the last 10 to 15 years, and represents an independent assessment of the emerging and developing importance of performance management in organisations.


HRM and Organisational Performance

Only a few decades ago, competitive advantage in business was largely defined by access to capital or intellectual property (e.g. patents) or economies of scale (Singh & Agarwala, 2011). With the knowledge economy challenging companies to look for additional sources of sustainable competitive advantage, organisational leaders are ascribing greater importance to the role of human capital in driving business success (Singh, 2012).

In such a context, performance management is being considered as a critical part of ‘Human Resource Management’ (HRM). This can make a significant contribution to organisational growth and effectiveness (Nankervis and Compton, 2006).

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