
Managing Virtual Performance Issues

The lack of visibility caused by the world being forced suddenly into working remotely has created an undercurrent of concern about underperformance for some businesses. However, others believe that performance and productivity have increased. So, has managing performance issues become more difficult in this virtual world?

Truthfully, it should make little difference. The reality is in a traditional working environment, the physical proximity of staff often camouflages performance issues. By remote working, we no longer have the ‘red herring’ appearances of looking busy, thereby revealing the underlying performance issues that were already there. As a result, now has to be the time for all people managers to focus on developing the skills that are needed to get the best out of their people, wherever they work and this is largely about clear, courageous conversations.

Certainly, at some point in our career whether working virtually or otherwise, most managers will experience the unwanted challenge of dealing with a persistent underperformer. Furthermore, managing someone out of a business can be expensive, litigious and it isn’t fun for anyone. Therefore, in this infographic, we look at how to identify the root issue of the underperfomance. We do this by using the CISS model (Clarity, Individual, Skill, Surroundings). Above all, our webinar delves into practical tips and real-life scenarios you can use to overcome these challenges. So, why not take a look?

Performance Management Resources

Finally, to access this resource you will need to fill out your details on this page. Part of our ethos is to help build a better workplace for people, whatever their location. We achieve this through great performance management software, the HR Uprising Podcast, and free thought leadership resources. Therefore, if you would like to learn more about this topic, you can find some additional resources using the buttons below.

We also have a team of organisational development consultants who are on-hand to help meet your needs for culture change. If you would like to find out more about this service, why not get in touch by contacting us here.

White Paper: Managing Underperformance in a virtual world

E-Book: Virtual People and Performance Management – How to PERFORM your way to recovery

Infographic: The PERFORM Model

Listen to the HR Uprising Podcast

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