
What makes for good ‘people’ managers?

Information overload, declining staff numbers, and relentless pressure to get more from less; more than ever, our businesses need highly effective people managers.

With management pressures, it is any wonder that the average manager feels overwhelmed with more work than time? The natural reaction from managers is to put their heads down and focus on tasks over people. However, this short term approach can be counterproductive, and possibly even damaging to morale, performance and ultimately lead to attrition. Businesses with effective people managers have greater productivity, higher engagement and are ultimately more profitable, evidence suggests 20% or more. So, focusing on the task at the expense of focusing on people could very well be costing your business money. By training managers to be highly effective this can be avoided.

The importance of people management activities

When I am working with managers, I frequently ask them to identify their top 5 priorities at work. If you were to ask yourself that same question, what immediately comes to mind? It is amazing how low down the list people management activities typically come to mind for many in management positions. As a manager of people, it is important to recognise the key priority to achieve results through your support and guidance of others. By including performance management activities daily and embedding regular feedback, you will engage your staff. This will save you time in the long run and help you to deliver increased results.

To find out more about the ‘7 habits of highly effective people managers’ complete the form to the right to download our manager’s guide.


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