
Why is cascading objectives so important?

Cascading objectives effectively underpins quality performance management. The aim of performance management is to align the performance of your people with organisational goals. The better you can do this, the more efficiently your organisation will operate. Therefore the effective cascading of objectives can massively help enable high performance and employee engagement. Objective cascade and goal setting are closely matched and behavioural science frequently shows that goal setting is one of the most important organisational processes that we can put in place. This is particularly the case if coupled with quality feedback.

SMART objectives

However, the cascading of performance objectives can feel like a bit of a black art. It shouldn’t be about simply passing the same objective down from the top to the bottom of the organisation. Strategic objectives need to be refined and made SMART (this includes relevant) to the individual. We have another free resource on how to write SMART objectives available. This may mean breaking an objective down to make sure it is the right level for the job role in question. It should also involve a conversation between the manager and the individual about the overall purpose of that business objective and how their role and individual performance objectives can best align and support this.

The challenge of cascading objectives

The cascade process is sometimes difficult as not all organisations are as effective as others in setting or communicating their overall goals and objectives. This can make the cascade process stagnate, which risks people losing clarity and motivation. Where cascading objectives isn’t possible, we need to work with individuals to goal set upwards or help them to define what they believe is going to drive the business forward in the absence of clear top-down direction.

Enhancing the cascade process

Whatever the position in your organisation, this White Paper can help you to determine how to enhance the cascade process. If you would like to download this or any of our other thought leadership, please just enter your details in the form to the right which will give you full access.

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