
What is a Vision Statement?

Our CEO, Lucinda Carney, was recently contacted by a member of our HRUprising Community. They suggested that the terms vision and mission were quite confusing. Therefore suggesting it would be a great podcast topic to try and address. Initially believing it would be quite a simple topic to deal with, she soon realised how confusing and contradictory it can be.

To clarify, a vision statement should be about a long-term, aspirational future vision. It tends to be a statement of an organisations overarching aspirations of what it hopes to achieve or to become.

In order to help you achieve the right vision for your organisation and the actions required to make it a reality, we have put together this sample Vision into Action Facilitation Outline. You can use this to run a facilitated vision into action session with your top team. Obviously, you can play around with it to ensure that it meets your internal business outcomes. If you want to participate in the session then it is probably better to bring in an external facilitator

In addition, Lucinda has also written a blog exploring in detail the difference between a vision and a mission statement. You can find links to the blog and Podcast Episode at the bottom of this page.

Why is a Vision Statement important?

Considering how interchangeably vision and mission are used, sometimes organisations break the rules of what a vision statement should be. It is important to get these right as once we have defined our vision, we can then break it down into actionable SMART objectives which should fall out of this process.

So, how do you review your vision statement? A Vision Facilitation Day is a great way to do this. By involving your key stakeholders, you can achieve buy-in from the start and might even prevent them from derailing it later on.

Performance Management Resources

Finally, to access this resource you will need to fill out your details on the form to the right of this page. Certainly, if you would like to learn more about this topic, you can find additional resources using the buttons on this page below.

At Actus, we offer more than free HR resources and great performance management software! We also have a team of organisational development consultants who are on-hand to help meet your requirements for culture change. In addition, if you would like to find out more about this service, why not get in touch by contacting us here.

Listen to the related HR Uprising Podcast: Vision, Mission, and Purpose – What’s the Difference?

Blog: What do we mean by Vision and Mission?

Contact us to arrange a Vision Facilitation Day

Download this Outline

Please fill out the form below to receive a link to your Vision into Action Facilitation Outline.

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