
The Actus Competency Dictionary

What is a behavioural competency?

Behavioural competencies are effectively the attributes we display when we carry out our work.

Typically things we do or say, for instance, how do we:

  • Communicate with others
  • Plan and organise our work to meet deadlines and achieve goals
  • Share our knowledge and expertise with others
  • Demonstrate open-mindness to new ideas and ways of working.

Why are they important?

While behavioural competencies are sometimes referred to as soft skills, they are far from soft. They are the ‘How’ of performance and have an impact on financial and business performance, employee satisfaction and client service. The knowledge and expertise of our people is critical to our success but how this knowledge, experience, and expertise is applied (the behaviours) is what differentiates high performance from average or even poor.

Linking Behavioural Science with Performance Management

Behavioural Science is a fascinating field yet it can also be frustrating; as to prove anything definitively in relation to human behaviour can be a challenge. Professor Rob Briner wrote a whole series of interesting articles on the topic: ‘What’s the evidence for‘. The HR Uprising Podcast may also be of interest to you. Specifically, the episode where I talk with Rob about Evidence-Based HR which you can access here.

Performance Management Resources

To access this resource you will need to fill out your details on the form to the right of this page.

At Actus, we offer more than free HR resources and great performance management software! We also have a team of organisational development consultants who are on-hand to help meet your performance management needs or requirements for culture change. If you would like to find out more about this service, why not get in touch by contacting us here.

Listen to the HR Uprising Podcast

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