
Here is an overview of our current HR webinars and events schedule: (Scroll down to register)

For more information or to register for a webinar or event, please use the corresponding links below. If you would like us to cover a specific subject please get in contact with topic suggestions. 

View our collection of previous webinars here.

Register to attend the HR webinars and events below via the associated button or get in touch with the Actus team to suggest more topics.

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Webinar & Events Schedule

Illustration of a classroom with a chalkboard reading 'How to build a Culture of Learning,' a desk with books, and a pencil holder.

How To Build a Culture of Learning

Date: Tuesday 25th February 
Time: 12:30 – 13:30

Learning outcomes include:

  • Moving beyond compliance
  • Being strategic about a learning culture
  • The importance of psychological safety
  • Practical ways to encourage ownership for learning

Don’t miss out on this insightful session!

Register Here

Illustration of a man watering people in plant pots, symbolizing growth and development in a workplace environment.

Practical Talent Management

Date: Thursday 13th March
Time: 12:30 – 13:30

Learning outcomes include:

  • Getting practical about talent management
  • Building a talent management strategy
  • What about 9 box grids and succession planning?
  • Introducing career pathways
  • 360 feedback and other practical talent tools

Join us with the link below:

Register Here

Illustration of people holding stars while standing on a circular arrow, symbolizing continuous feedback and improvement

7 Steps to Running a Successful 360 Feedback Process

Date: Tuesday 25th March
Time: 12:30 – 13:30

Join Lucinda’s webinar to discover strategies for managing and delivering 360 feedback effectively. Topics include:

  • 7 steps to a successful 360 feedback process
  • Using 360 feedback as a strategic tool
  • Pros and cons of 360 feedback
  • Avoiding common pitfalls in design and process
  • Creating a positive feedback experience
  • Introducing Actus 360 NOW

Click the link below to join us:

Register Here

TypeCoach Taster Sessions

Type Coach is a revolutionary personality tool that turns Jungian personality types from theory into practical application. This taster will give you the opportunity to verify your own personality type using the online tool and then on the webinar we will introduce you to the Type Coach tool which provides detailed, personalised recommendations for influencing and interacting with others. It is a brilliant tool for team building, leadership development and is particularly effective for sales teams. Register for the taster session to find out more and receive your own free TypeCoach report

Date: Tuesday 18th March
Time: 12:30- 13:30

Register Here

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