
Below you will find links to download resources that form the Change Superhero Toolkit. This is structured so that you can access them in line with the section of the book you may be referring to. We have included different formats other than PDF for some files to make them easier to use so you may download them in your preferred format.

You can find out more about the author of the best-selling book ‘How to be a Change Superhero’ on her page here: Lucinda Carney. Based on the book, Lucinda has launched her own training programme which includes 3 highly interactive, virtual training masterclasses. You can find out more via this link here. Alternatively, if you are looking for flexible e-learning that can work around a busy schedule, why not sign up for our e-learning platform for people managers, Actus Academy? Find out more here.

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Part 1: The 5 Super Powers of a Change Superhero (5 files available)

  1. Change Superhero Quiz: Five Superhero Powers (2388 downloads )
  2. 5 Superhero Powers of Change Infographic (2361 downloads )
  3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming Infographic (2210 downloads )
  4. Influencing Change Infographic (2296 downloads )
  5. The 6 Principles of Persuasion Infographic (2152 downloads )

Part 2: Change Challenges (9 files available)

  1. The Transition Curve PDF (2036 downloads )
  2. The Transition Curve PowerPoint Version (1992 downloads )
  3. MBTI & Change Overview PDF Version (2059 downloads )
  4. MBTI People Reactions to Change Infographic (2689 downloads )
  5. Cultural Web Template PDF Version (2072 downloads )
  6. Culture Web Word Version (1852 downloads )
  7. How to Handle Conflict (Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument) PDF Version (2169 downloads )
  8. How to Handle Conflict (Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument) Word Version (1883 downloads )
  9. Belbin Team Roles PDF Version (2054 downloads )

Part 3: Building a Change Masterplan (10 files available)

  1. 7 Step Change Factsheet Template PDF Version (2069 downloads )
  2. 7 Step Change Factsheet Template Word Version (1920 downloads )
  3. 4 MAT Communication Planner PDF Version (2032 downloads )
  4. 4 MAT Communication Planner Word Version (1960 downloads )
  5. Stakeholder Analysis Template Excel (2004 downloads )
  6. Overall Comms Plan PDF Version (1968 downloads )
  7. Overall Comms Plan Template Word Version (1919 downloads )
  8. Change Management 7 Step Planner PowerPoint Template (2161 downloads )
  9. Kotter's Model Case Study PowerPoint (1896 downloads )
  10. Kotter's Model Case Study PDF Version (1904 downloads )

Other Change related resources available from Actus:

HR Uprising Podcast Links

Recorded webinars on Change

Finally, if you would like to purchase more copies of “How to be a Change Superhero” at a 30% discount then click on the image below which will take you directly to the Practical Inspiration Website. If you prefer a kindle or audio version you find these on Amazon.

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